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Posted by on in Caravans
Getting Ready for Winter

Getting Ready for Winter

So it's that time of year again and time to get the caravan ready for winter, if you have not already done so. We use ours all year round normally so this isn't so much of a problem to us. This year, however, we have a few weeks were the 'van isn't going to be used over the winter months. All around us on the storage site caravans are starting to sport the latest fashion accessory and are wrapping up in their green cloaks

Here at Caravan Camping Supplies we follow a list which lets us get ready pretty quickly. We thought you might like it if we shared with you.

Let's start with cleaning down

First beautiful day outside, we give it a scrub not forgetting the roof which always seems to get particularly dirty over the year with tree sap and so on. I was a little ashamed of mine with its pattern of greys building up, so gave it a really good going over to get it back to its "as new" look.

©Caravan Camping Supplies
Hits: 1423

Posted by on in Caravans
Caravans and Cycling

We have always enjoyed taking bikes with us when we go caravanning. There are hundreds of sites across the UK and abroad, many of them close to cycle tracks and trails. Others are in beautiful parts of the country which it seems a shame not to explore on your bike. Inspired by the boom in bike riding, it's our plan this year to get ourselves fitter and to mix and match our weekends with more cycling.

Cycling gives you that great feeling of being out in the open without having to park the car, and there is something entirely different about the experience of exploring the countryside at a different pace and much more pleasurable than driving.

Depending on the time of year, your inclination and how fit you are, a bike ride can consist of everything from a simple tour of some country lanes with all the children in tow to full-blooded cross country gallops. In every case the caravan or motorhome provides a great temporary base and an even better place to store or carry the bicycle to begin with. We like the mix of activity and relaxation the combination gives us.

Hits: 1760